Every Sunday from 6:00pm - 8:00pm

Our students meet the every Sunday night for a shared meal, worship, biblical teaching, group discussion and prayer.


Together: Unify all youth under one body for Christ

What is Simple Church Youth?

Our students meet the fourth Sunday night of the month for a shared meal, worship, biblical teaching, group discussion and prayer.


Our teaching consists of historical biblical studies based on teaching from bible professors, scholars, apologists, bible archaeologists, pastors and of course the Bible. Each lesson is student taught and Spirit led with adult supervision and guidance.


All students will be encouraged to participate in teaching and leading worship as God calls them, according to their gifts and intrests. 


We offer this format to give students the abiility to help teach, guide and educate themselves, and others, to know their Bible, as well as understand what they believe so they can be shining lights for those in their lives. To those that don't know God's message of mercy and grace, but also for those that call themselves brothers & sisters in Christ as well. 

So what does it look like?

Basically, it's House Church just for teens!


Start with one house.


Equipping one group.


And watch God move in and through their lives while reaching their world to grow more disciples. 


One house, multiplied. One purpose for Christ, many lights!

Together: Unify all nations under one body for Christ

Created to Connect

As students look to add light to the world, they will need partners for the journey. A community to help them along the way. Jesus invites all who follow him to be a part of a new family. This family of God is not a social club or group of friends who look, think and talk similarly, but a community of disciples seeking to follow Jesus' way of life. 

Practice the Way

If teenagers are going to reflect the light of Jesus, they have to start by adopting the lifestyle of Jesus. We help our students learn how to practice the way of Jesus by helping them discover what it means for each of them individually to be with Jesus, to become like Jesus and do what Jesus did. 

Saved to Serve

Teens need to know that God made them unique, special and with specific gifts, talents and passions. They add light to their world by learning to use those gifts to love God, love others and serve and influence the world around them.

Blessed to Bless

Every teen has been blessed by God, in one way or another, with the resources of time and treasure. Teens add light to the world by discovering these resources and learning how to use them to bless others around them.

Made to Move

Teens add light by learning how to talk about God. Recognizing that we are "made to move" is the spiritual habit of making faith a regular, everyday, go-to topic of conversation in our lives. When we talk about God and our place in His story, it helps us believe, understand and add light to the world around us. 

What is our Win?

Whenever a student takes a step toward adding the light of Christ to the world around them by practicing any, or all, of these spiritual habits!

Youth Team

While Simple Church currently does not have a Youth Minister, we are in the process of onboarding a team of awesome volunteers who have felt Gods leading on their heart for the Youth of Simple Church. 


In the meantime, if you have questions, please reach out to Pastor Brandon at brandon@simple.church.


We want to hear from you!

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