School is almost here. Which means packing lunches, prepping outfits and trying to get back into the swing of a schedule.
You (or your child) may be feeling nervous, excited, or anything in between.
If you'd like some helpful tips to ease the transition back into the school year then keep reading!
Start with Scripture
Seems easy right? But this foundational start to your child's day will set them up for success. If we start our day in God's word, shouldn't we encourage our children to do the same?
I've even got a FREE PRINTABLE for you to download and print. You can read them during breakfast, on the way to school, or stick them in your child's lunch box for them to be reminded of God's love for them during the day!
Don't forget Prayer
It may take a while for your children to get comfortable in this new school year. So prepare with prayer. You can start praying now in fact! For them. For their teachers. For their current, and future friends!
You may not always see the result up front (though often you will!), but your prayers are potent. The Bible confirms, “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” (James 5:16). That’s talking about you, mom & dad!
There are so many ways to support your kid’s education through prayer. Lift them up to the Lord while they’re at school and before they start their day. Pray for and with your kids; it can impact their school year for the better in powerful ways.
If you drive them to school, use some car time to pray with them, and thank God for the day and their teachers. Remember any needs your children express regarding tests or challenges ahead for the day. As a bonus, when your kids regularly pray at the start of their day, they will likely take this habit of God-dependence into adulthood.
Use a checklist
Getting ready and out the door for school can be hectic. If you've got more than one kiddo, than it can feel like wrangling circus monkeys.
Enter the checklist. This can help kids take ownership of their morning and help them anticipate what's coming next. You can use just pictures of the task or help older kids write out their own. You can also click here for an easy printable copy of the one on the left!
You can laminate your checklist or put it in a page protector and use dry erase markers to keep it easy to use every morning! Place it on the fride or somewhere they will easily be able to see and use.
Start a 'Back to School' Routine now...
If your summer has been anything like ours, bed time has been flexible and sleeping in is a must!
Unfortunately with school right around the corner it's time to start getting back into some sort of routine and sometimes that can be hard. So now is the best time to start easing back into your regular scheduled activities.
Start getting ready for bed 30 minutes earlier. Don't forget to start waking up 30 minutes earlier as well. If breakfast hasn't been a constant morning practice over the summer, try setting an alarm 15 minutes after waking up as a reminder. Kids will need their fuel for school! Try reading before bed as well. This is a great time to set another alarm 20 minutes before the start of getting ready for bed so you can gather on the couch for some snuggles and reading time together as a family. This time would also be great moment to talk about any pre back to school emotions/feelings. You can ask them what they are nervous or excited about and help process those feelings together as a family.
Remember, transitions can feel overwhelming both for us and our children. Being open and honest is an important way to connect with your child and overcome obstables together.
What do you do to get ready for school? I'd love to hear them! You can also join our Parent's Facebook Group for more ideas and encouragement.
Enjoy the last days of summer! 🍦☀️
I'm here for you,